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EXIF Metadata Viewer

View EXIF metadata from a wide range of photo formats, including JPEG, JPG, TIFF, PNG, WebP, and HEIC.

What is EXIF data?

EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format) metadata is a standard format used to store information about an image file, primarily in JPEG, TIFF, and RAW formats. This metadata is embedded directly within the image file and can include a wide range of details about the conditions under which the photo was taken. Common EXIF data includes information such as the camera make and model, the lens used, exposure settings, white balance, and the date and time of capture. Additionally, it can contain GPS coordinates if the device has location services enabled, providing the exact geographic location where the photo was taken.

Beyond these technical details, EXIF metadata can also store user-defined information, such as the photographer's name or copyright details. This embedded data is valuable for both photographers and developers, as it aids in organizing, cataloging, and retrieving images based on their attributes and history. However, it's important to be aware of EXIF data for privacy reasons, especially if images are shared publicly or on social media, as it can reveal sensitive location information or personal identifiers.


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